Ideas competition open!

Apply before September 30.

develoPPP Classic

Through develoPPP Classic, we support German, European and local companies with long-term, sustainable operations in a country in emerging markets that are seeking to expand their local operations.


Project support for established companies

Through the develoPPP promotional programme, we support initiatives by German, European and local companies with long-term, sustainable operations in a country in the Global South that want to organise their activities sustainably. We run the programme on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

develoPPP Classic enables established companies to implement projects in markets that are strategically relevant to them. The requirement is that projects must generate added value for the business as well as contributing to socio-ecological transformation.

As a global instrument, develoPPP Classic has been designed to be flexible and to allow support to be provided for projects in different sectors, focusing on different issues. As well as DEG Impulse, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is also on hand as a partner to provide support with implementation.

Do you want to...

  • implement measures that help to mitigate climate change or that help with adaptation to the consequences of climate change?
  • expand your supply chain and make it more resilient?
  • open up future markets for your company?

Then find out more now and apply for support.

What does DEG Impulse offer?

Through develoPPP Classic, we provide project funding of up to EUR 2 million, covering up to 50% of the project costs. Our experts will also support you with project structuring.

Project funding of up to EUR 2 million

Public share of up to 50% in the project costs

Expert advice in over 60 countries

Examples of current projects

develoPPP Classic

Support for climate transformation in agriculture – increasing resilience

Small farmers in Africa often face major challenges such as deteriorating soil quality and the wide-ranging effects of climate change. A joint venture between DEG’s long-standing customer ETG and Parrogate Ginneries Limited aims to provide support with this in Zambia and Malawi – with funding from DEG Impulse.

develoPPP Classic

Nibulon: Demining agricultural land

Many areas of land that are used for agriculture in Ukraine have been littered with mines during Russia’s ongoing war of aggression. The company Nibulon has set up a project to clear these mines.

How does the process work?

An open ideas competition is held to decide which projects will receive support through develoPPP Classic. This takes place twice a year and all companies that fulfil the participation requirements for the programme can take part.

What are the requirements for participation?

Companies based in the EU, a member country of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) or an OECD-DAC country can take part in the ideas competition for develoPPP Classic.

To be eligible for support, your company must have sufficient financial capacity and human resources in relation to your project idea.

Your company must also:

  • Employ at least eight members of staff
  • Have an annual turnover of at least EUR 800,000
  • Be able to provide at least two audited annual financial statements
  • Have positive net income and sufficient equity capital and liquidity to ensure your company can make its contribution

Would you like to apply?

Do your company and your proposed project meet the criteria for participation? Then apply for support! The ideas competition is open.

Partners in Transformation

Our services and programmes are among those offered by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to promote collaboration with actors in the private sector.